Monday, January 26, 2009

I'm glad to see that Neal has gone to the effort of recording the many wonderful, crazy, and sometimes wierd experiences that the band has had. I am also glad that the band image has changed from the good ole' days. I just thought this picture should be a part of the collection. If I had to guess I would say that Calvin and Natalie are the only two in this picture that still play in the band. With us living in Idaho we don't even make it down too often. We enjoy doing gigs with the band and hope to attend more of the dances now that fuel prices have come down a bit.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Rupert Idaho Pig Roast and Dance 2008

Calvin looks hungry!

"We got a pig in the ground, and all my roudy friends are coming over tonight"

Dennis is so good that he can play the drums in his sleep.

Tony and His Wife enjoying a lazy summer afternoon in Idaho.

Ibapah - Deep Creek Reunion

We had a great time at Ibapah Utah on Saturday.
This place has been one of our great adventures. The people of the town start dancing at sundown and they don't stop until morning light. (we gave up at 4:30am.)
By the way, you can't get there from here!

YSA Dance

Gary jumped right in and helped us out at the last minute.

Everyone loves a dance where you get to slap each other.

Regea Cowboy rides again!

Thanks for the invitation. We hope to be back again.

As my favorite polynesian friend says "I am so Hippy to see You"

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Saturday Night Dance

Dennis Drumming at HyperSpeed

We had a great time performing at the Young Single Adult dance in West Valley City, Utah. It was nice to have Leanna back playing bass beside Calvin. The energy was crazy, especially when the singles group got on the dance floor to do the slap dance. There was a contest going on to see who could dance to the fastest beat so Dennis, our drummer, took it into hyper speed. Some of the dancers even caught some air performing the heal click of the Boot Scootin Boogie. Even the lasso's were flying during the Regea Cowboy line dance.

Some of the more senior leaders (we're trying to be politically correct) asked for some old time Rock and Roll so we belted out some Doobie Brothers, BTO, Bad Company and Steve Miller. The Rock and Roll came out easily thanks to the talent of our awesome backup singer Gary who stepped in at the last minute when Tony couldn't make it. I think that Gary must know every #1 song from the sixties and seventies.

Chad, our rhythm guitar player, usually avoids the microphone but tonight we got him to sing and play an original song he co-wrote called "A Perfect Love Song". He did great.

I was surprised at how many showed up even with the extreme fog and bad weather. All in all it was a good night.

Our thanks goes out to Kelsey, Tim and Brenda for lining us up. We hope to be back again.